The TTBDO Executive Committee, composed of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice Chancellors for Research and Development/ Academic Affairs, Directors of TTBDOs and Technology Transfer Officers, was formed to support the following:
- Capability-building and exchange of best practices
- Coordinate handling of cases spanning one or more CUs, and system-funded R&D
- Coordinate implementation of system-wide initiatives
- Harmonize policy with internal and external stakeholders
The committee conducts its regular meetings to discuss updates on current TTBDO initiatives, development status of technology cases, and other matters related to IP and technology transfer.
Members of the TTBDO Execom
UP Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development
UP Manila Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
UP Los Baños Office of the Chancellor
UP Visayas Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension
UP Mindanao Office of the Chancellor
UP Cebu Office of the Chancellor